photo via a violent yet flammable world
Today is the day! Which day, you ask? It's the long awaited meeting for the program I'm looking at at Colorado State. I'm anxious to see what they have to say and ask some questions. I'll give a total fill in on Monday. I'll also get to check out the campus in general. I've been on campus once, and it's lovely, but I haven't really explored.
After all of that, some friends are meeting the boyfriend and I to attend a music festival called focomx! It's not your typical fest. This one is 15 dollars, 15 bars, 150 bands, over two days. Lots of music overlap, but I don't know many of the bands so that's not a big problem. One of the bands we do know and are going to see is The Dovekins, of course! Golly, I love them. I'm super pumped to introduce our friends to them. Stella Luce is also playing, as is Fierce Bad Rabbit. The latter band of the two is one I haven't seen live, but the violinist from Stella Luce is in it, and they sound pretty rockin' on their myspace. Another band I just found that will be playing sometime tonight is The Tanukis. They've got a real gypsy sound to them and I think the boyfriend will really dig it. A fill in on this part of the adventure will come Monday too. Yay!
Have a great weekend!
What fun! Have a great weekend :)