Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my own diana prints.

When I was in Fort Collins last weekend, I dropped off two more rolls of film from the Diana!  They'll mail them to me as soon as their done and oh boy, I can't wait!  The photos above are from my last roll of Diana film.  The next rolls will be in color.  I'm excited to see how they turn out!


  1. funny, last weekend i had my first two rolls of my diana mini film developed, and most of them were totally fuzzy and out of focus! i dont know why - i wonder if the developer tried to stretch them out to fit the normal photo size. i like how your lab did them, i need to find that! oh, and these photos are also really nice! especially the christmas tree one.

  2. Rachel-This was my first roll. I had 16 photos on it (I think) and these are the only ones that came out okay! I found that taking photos on sunny days and using the sunny day exposure worked best for me, since I'm just learning how to do it. I need a tripod, and then i'll try some with longer exposures. :) Good luck with your Diana mini!


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