Wednesday, April 21, 2010

bum knee.

I was supposed to leave for a long work trip on Monday.  Have I told you yet that I'm an archaeologist?  Well, I am.  And Monday marked the beginning of a really neat project in Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota.  However, on the last project I was on, I twisted my knee and it's still bothering me, even after three weeks of physical therapy.  I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow and even if that comes back negative, the doc says there's still something wrong.  All of that means that I can no longer go in the field.  How awful! 

Instead, now I'll be able to help the boyfriend move into his new place (that's nice of me I suppose, considering he'll help me move later this summer).  I'll also be able to keep off my knee, which is the biggest issue. 

But I hate that I'm the one abandoning the project though!  It's certainly not my choice, but I still feel like I'm causing problems.  Oh well.  I have limited options.  So!  Now, the goal is to continue with my rehab and cross my fingers that there isn't anything on the MRI that requires surgery.  You can cross your fingers for me too!

Oh, and two people (TWO PEOPLE) got laid off/partially laid off today at my work (partially laid off means there's no work right now, but when we have work again, they can come back).  That's pretty terrifying.  I'm trying to get to the point though, where I stop stressing about these things I can't control.  I have to keep thinking, "everything will be okay".  I always seem to land on my feet, so this time should be no different. :)

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