Monday, February 22, 2010

feed the shoe monster.

I'm not your typical girl that saves every penny to buy my very own Louboutins.  Don't get me wrong; I can appreciate a beautifully crafted shoe and now and again, when the time calls for great shoes, I will wear them.  But I live in the mountains.  Here we have two seasons, winter and an itty bitty summer.  Winter in the mountains=snow and ice.  Summer+my job=working outside.  As you can see, there isn't much time for beautiful (and incredibly expensive) shoes.  That's not to say I don't have to feed the shoe monster now and again.  I just feed it with adorable and practical shoes.  It seems to get the job done.  Check out the shoes I'm drooling over now:

The first two are both sorels.  They (strangely) have Sorel stamped in HUGE letters on the sides, but it's kind of growing on me.  What do you think: weird or cute?  The last pair are KEENs and I've actually tried them on.  They look kind of weird but I promise, in real life they're cute as heck. 

My birthday is coming up.  Maybe one of these will be my bday present to myself. :)


  1. I love Keen's! They are the most comfortable shoes! Also, the Sorels are cool, but the second pair looks sort of like men's slippers...unique!

  2. I like the men's slipper looking cute! and they look so comfy! mmmmm...who wouldn't want to walk around in slippers all day?


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